Sunday, December 17, 2006

We Interrupt Inspiration for Information PT. 2

We Interrupt Inspiration for Information Pt. 2

My family and I have been trying to live incarnationally in our neighborhood. We are exposing ourselves to the culture, struggles, and hopes/dreams of those in the neighborhood. I often walk through the neighborhood, meeting people on their porches, listening to them share their stories and their dreams. Children often run up to me and hang on me or just talk with me. Now that I am beginning to know my neighbors when I see them outside the neighborhood, they recognize me and we often talk. When I am outside the neighborhood I usually see my neighbors as they are working. Just this week, I spoke to a woman who was cleaning a hospital room, a man putting together a Big Mac at McDonald’s and another man sacking my groceries. In the check out lane next to me was another man I knew, a woman checked me out at a Dollar Store, another woman was working in a doctor’s office, while yet another woman brought me ice
tea in a restaurant. I am learning that my neighbors do work, and have just learned that if they don’t work at least thirty hours a week at a job, the government requires monthly community service as well as paying rent. The community service rule does not apply to those over sixty-five or those that are disabled.
(click on the above for a clearer and larger image)
The housing complex next to me is run by the Federal Government, in every city of any size the government provides the same sort of housing with the same rules. The church has a great opportunity to see lives transformed as we walk with those that are under-resourced. As I have been given several opportunities to speak in various venues and as the stories of the under-resourced are shared, listeners are shocked by the great need. Unfortunately, the under-resourced are almost invisible to the community at large. Even in their entry-level jobs, they are people we see every day but do not notice. As you look at the chart6 (on the previous page), you will be able to see many places where the church could step up and make a difference. I have a hunch that if the church would work with individuals to move through these steps, then spiritual transformation, also, would take place.