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Ding-dong. It rang again, the dogs began to bark, and I rose from my desk to answer the door. It was the back door; it is always the back door. There she stood - - - a little nine-year-old with jet black hair, big dark eyes, and a smile on her face. She had made me a “God’s Eye “and wanted to give it to me. I asked her about school, her mom, and her brother and sister, yet she was focused on the “God’s Eye”. I told her it was beautiful and thanked her. She ran down my back steps, across the street, and back to her porch. At this very moment I have her “God’s Eye” on my desk. I tried to describe in writing what a “God’s Eye” is, for those who may have never seen one; but it was too hard, so I scanned it. Often God’s Eyes are made by children at Church Camp or Vacation Bible School. They are normally made with craft sticks not popsicle sticks. They are used to remind kids that God has his eye on them. Unlike Santa to see who is or nice, God watches because he loves us and wants the best for our lives. My God’s Eye was made with love. It was made with real popsicle sticks, saved from a summer day, probably eaten under the big tree in front of this little ’s porch. As I look at it carefully I can see on the horizontal stick that the treat was orange, and obviously the “eater” had been playing hard because of the fingerprint on the other end. When I look at this God’s Eye, I am reminded that God is involved in everyone’s life not just those whose lives appear to be neat and clean. God can take the messy stuff of our life and turn it into something beautiful. Just like this God’s Eye. This nine-year-old has experienced more “life” than those three times her age, often kind of messy. Yet she will tell you she has it good. She has a good mom, Jamie (remember her story?), and she has been a rock in her family, helping in ways that most nine-year-olds won’t even think about. The one thing that Sierra will tell you if you ask is that her life is good, very good because Jesus loves her and watches over her. She really believes that - - - sometimes I forget.